> Livre > The eighth day

The eighth day

John Case

Résumé : For struggling artist and part-time investigator Danny Cray, the offer is just too good to resist. A wealthy, enigmatic lawyer has asked him to discover who is behind the vicious campaign that is threatening to destroy the reputation of one of his clients, an elusive billionaire - and Danny knows they will pay handsomely for the information. Danny's only lead is the meagre estate of a professor of religious studies who has recently died in mysterious and horrific circumstances. If Danny can get hold of the professor's files, the campaign against the billionaire will come to an end. But the deeper he digs and the more he discovers, the more Danny realises that nothing in this case is quite what it seems. There is something he isn't being told, something that isn't right, something fast and dark that threatens to destroy Danny and everyone involved in this case... From the powerful world of Washington D.C. to the ancient grandeur of Rome, from the mysteries of Istanbul to the high-stakes drama of Silicon Valley, The Eighth day is a terrifying thriller of unrelenting suspense, religious prophecy, cutting-edge science and deadly international intrigue.

Source : Arrow Books Limited

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