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 Collection Sphere Books > I see you
 Achetez le livre d'occasion I see you de Clare Mackintosh sur Livrenpoche.com

I see you

Clare Mackintosh

Résumé : When Zoe Walker sees her photo in the classifieds section of a London newspaper, she is determined to find out why it's there. There's no explanation : just a grainy image, a website address and a phone number. She takes it home to her family, who are convinced it's just someone who looks like Zoe. But the next day the advert shows a photo of a different woman, and another the day after that. Source : Sphere Books Limited

Collection : Sphere Books

Edité par Sphere Books Limited

Paru dans cette collection en Avril 2017

ISBN : 9780751554144

EAN : 9780751554144

Genre : Policier

Prix éditeur : 10.84 €

0 pages