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 Collection Pan Books > City of friends
 Achetez le livre d'occasion City of friends de Joanna Trollope sur Livrenpoche.com

City of friends

Joanna Trollope

Résumé : Stacey leaned forward, gripping the edge of the bench, and stared at the ground. God, she thought, am I losing my mind ? Is this what happens when you lose your job ? The day Stacey Grant is made redundant feels like the last day of her life. Or at least the only life she'd ever known. For who was she if not a high-flying City worker ? As Stacey's life closes in on her - caring for her increasingly vulnerable mother and waiting for her successful husband to return home - she at least has The Girls to fall back on. Beth, Melissa and Gaby. The girls, now women, had been there for each other since university, and this would be no different. But these career women have problems of their own, and when Stacey's redundancy forces a betrayal to emerge that was supposed to remain secret, their long cherished friendships will be pushed to their limits ... Source : Pan Books

Collection : Pan Books

Edité par Pan Books

Paru dans cette collection en Septembre 2017

ISBN : 9781509823468

EAN : 9781509823468

Genre : Roman

Prix éditeur : 12.90 €

0 pages